日本同性婚姻平權之路: 札幌案、大阪案與東京案的憲法爭議
Road to Same-Sex Marriage Equality in Japan: The Constitutional Controversy in the Sapporo, Osaka and Tokyo Case
日本同性婚姻平權之路: 札幌案、大阪案與東京案的憲法爭議
Despite growing public support, Japan has yet to recognize same-sex marriage. To this end, LGBTQ+ activists have challenged the constitutionality of the same-sex marriage ban at different courts across the country, including the Sapporo, Osaka and Tokyo District Courts, though these legal bids were met with different outcomes. The lawyers who handled these respective cases will join us in this webinar, dissecting the Courts' decisions and effect thereof on the ongoing advocacy to legalize same-sex marriage in Japan, with HKU's Associate Professor and Director of the LLM in Human Rights Programme Kelley Loper as discussant to relate Japan's situation with other constitutional controversies across Asia brought about by the fight for marriage equality.
Mr. Takeharu Kato, lawyer at Hokkaido Godo Law Office
Ms. Makiko Terahara, partner at Tokyo Omotesando Law and Accounting LPC
Ms. Kelley Loper, Associate Professor and Director of the LLM in Human Rights Programme, HKU
Date & Time: 13 December 2022 (Tuesday) 7-9pm (Hong Kong time)
Language: Conducted in Japanese and English, with Mandarin and English interpretation
Platform: Online (Zoom Meeting)
儘管近年有越來越多的公眾支持,日本尚未承認同性婚姻。為此,LGBTQ+權益的倡議者在全國各地(包括札幌、大阪與東京的地方裁判所)就同性婚姻禁令的合憲性提出訴訟,但札幌、大阪與東京三案的裁決卻大相徑庭。本次的網絡研討會有幸邀請到處理這兩宗案件的律師,剖析裁判所的判詞,及其對日本同性婚姻合法化倡導工作的影響,而香港大學法律學院副教授及人權法碩士課程總監Kelley Loper也會加入討論,透過比較分析把日本的情況與整個亞洲的婚姻平權憲法爭議扣連。
Kelley Loper,香港大學法律學院副教授及人權法碩士課程總監
講座時間:2022年12月13日(星期二)下午7-9時 (香港時間)
Registration Link 報名連結: https://bit.ly/3VbCn7X
This webinar is organized by Equality Rights Project, Faculty of Law, HKU. For inquiries, please email us at equality@hku.hk. 此網絡研討會由香港大學法律學院平等權項目 舉辦。如有任何查詢,請致信 equality@hku.hk。