Access to Justice and Gender Equality Series
Chinese Police Officers' Attitude towards Domestic Violence Interventions: Do Training and Knowledge of the Anti-Domestic Violence Law Matter?
時間:2022年6月6日 (星期一) 13:00-14:00 (香港時間)
語言: 英文 (提供普通話同聲傳譯和中文實時字幕)
Date: June 6, 2022 (Mon) 13:00-14:00 (HKT)
Language: Delivered in English with simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin and Chinese subtitles
Via Zoom Platform
登記連結 Registration Link : https://bit.ly/3PNQazu
China’s Anti-Domestic Violence Law came into effect in 2016 as a significant milestone in policing domestic violence, though many have criticized the mixed signals sent by the legislation: does policy mandate proactive intervention and punitive measures against offenders, or does it continue to characterize domestic violence as mere “familial dispute” and therefore only informal mediation is required? Join criminal justice scholar Dr. Kai Lin from California State University, Sacramento, who will present his findings from an empirical study of survey data, and discuss the effects of training about the recent legislation on frontline responders’ attitude towards domestic violence interventions.
林愷, 美國加州州立大學薩克拉門托分校 刑事司法系助理教授
Kai Lin, Assistant Professor, Division of Criminal Justice, California State University, Sacramento, US
此講座由香港大學法律學院平等權項目 舉辦。如有任何查詢,請電郵至 equality@hku.hk。 This online event is organised by Equality Rights Project, Faculty of Law, HKU. For inquiries, please email equality@hku.hk.