(Co-Organized by HKU SPACE and Equality Rights Project at HKU Law)
A Trust for Vulnerable Beneficiaries: Hong Kong’s Special Needs Trust
兩位知名學者將討論信託可以如何為易受傷害/弱勢受益人提供穩定的財務安排。Two leading scholars will discuss how a trust can be used to provide stable financial arrangement for vulnerable beneficiaries.
講者 Speakers:
何錦璇教授,香港大學法律學院利孝和基金教授 (Professor Lusina Ho, Harold Hsiao-Wo Lee Professor in Trust and Equity, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong)
William Swadling 教授,牛津大學法學院教授暨布雷奇諾斯學院資深研究員 (Professor William Swadling, Professor of Law and Senior Law Fellow, Brasenose College, University of Oxford)
主持人 Moderator:
吳達明博士,香港大學專業進修學院高級課程主任 (Dr Simon Ng, Senior Programme Director, HKU SPACE)
溫馨提示 Important Notice Regarding Chinese Sign Language (CSL) Interpretation
我們的中國手語翻譯是在同聲傳譯的基礎上進行的,因此可能會存在一些延遲。感謝您的理解。Please note that our CSL interpretation is based on translations of simultaneous interpretation, which may cause a minor delay. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Date: 27 September 2023
視頻回放 (YouTube) :
00:31 Defining Trusts
06:28 Exploring Special Needs Trusts (SNT)
18:40 Proposed Improvements to Hong Kong's Current SNT Scheme
20:50 Special Needs Trusts in Mainland China
22:57 A General Overview of Trusts
28:19 Trusts in Practice: Insights from England
35:20 Q&A Session