[類別] 意見書
Equality Rights Project, the Faculty of Law, the University of Hong Kong
Media Monitor for Women Network
Lanxin Sisters Mutual Aid
[出處] United Nations
A Parallel Report to the
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
for Consideration of the List of Issues on the Ninth Periodic Report of
the People’s Republic of China
• This joint parallel report to the United Nations (UN) Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (the Committee) is submitted ahead of the adoption of the list of issues for the ninth periodic report of China at its 80th Pre-Session.
• This joint parallel report covers only Mainland China; Hong Kong and Macao are not included. Its number of paragraphs refer to the Ninth Periodic Report of the State party (SP) and CEDAW Committee’s Concluding Observation (CO).
• Our inputs to the List of Issues are ordered according to the articles in CEDAW, together with the two issues that are addressed in Concluding Observation of 2014.
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